Montana and Greer take wins at the Nebraska Vizsla Club Shoot to Retrieve Contest, we're winning in conformation and the field, gettin' it done!!
Jak Koch of Jakra Vizslas
M'Kayla Stahr a Top Junior Handler, stacking Greer for us.
Greer ready to run, we don't talk it, we do it!!
Deb taking a 3 point major win with Greer at 10 months old!
Deb & Greer take a 5 point major and Best Bred by Exhibitor bitch in Wis. at the Vizsla Specialty!
Greer 4 months first time out on birds with a nice solid point!
Jak and Greer finishing her Junior Hunter title!
Greer at 6 years after having puppies, so contented.
Greer loves her "daddy" Jak, she loves to leap into his arms and he loves it too!!
Greer finished her Champion title in 6 shows with 4 majors, including a 5 point major at the Wis. Specialty and Best Bred By Exhibitor Vizsla!! She is just as exciting in the field, great nose and hard/staunch point, and she is quick to respond to commands in the field. All you hunters know how nice that is...Greer is a great bed warmer, she loves to cuddle up under the covers too. I'd put her up against any dog in a tennis ball retrieving race, she is fast and aims to please.