January was frozen with snow. Very cold, but the puppies still went outside to do their business. Luckily for a few of the puppies, they went to warmer climates. By the end of the month we were down to our 4 puppies, Juicee, Gage, Reese & Turner to raise up.
Hey, where is Global Warming when you need it. I can't remember what it's like not to have snow covering the ground.
We finally had some snow start to melt, and then we got more snow. Our dogs have learned to love fresh snow, snow days are a blast around here, they all get turned out for playing.
Click on any photo for a larger View!
With the dawning of spring 2008, we suffered a grievous loss of our beloved Wyatt on March 18, 2008. He was our foundation stud dog, bringing that wonderful face, mind and physical soundness we appreciate so very much. Our wonderful boy Wyatt was just 40 days short of celebrating his 14th Birthday. His spirit lives on in his kids, grandkids, and greatgrandkids. We hope to do you proud big guy! I know you'll be watching...
The end of March Jak took Cosmo to the NVC Hunt Test and finished his Junior Hunter title. For the past several years we've just been going to the NVC Hunt Tests weekends. After 3 weekends over the years, Cosmo has his title. He should go on to Senior, he has become one of Jak's favorites to hunt with. If it's a cool fall day, Cosmo will hunt all day.
April was fairly busy with spring here one day and snow the next, crazy mothernature, where is global warming when you need it?
Moxie went to Waterloo Iowa with kennel club friends Savanna and Kathy Hulstein, and picked up a point each day. Moxie has such a lovely fun temperament, she is easy to send with anyone, gets along with all people and dogs. Savanna and Kathy did a beautiful job handling her to these wins, both Mom Kathy and daughter Savanna have a soft natural touch with their dogs, and my Vizslas love them!
Cosmo's son Redwillow's Goodtime Charlie JH earned his Junior Hunter Title in Illinois with 4 straight passes, he is moving on to Senior. Charlie was bred by Sue Render (Redwillow Vizslas) and owned by Sue's brother Chris. Way to go Chris and Charlie!!
Redwillow's Goodtime Charile JH
Entering into May was quite exciting knowing our new addition Tango would come home! He is a 8 week old baby Bengal kitten. What an entertaining and bold kitten he is! Tango has made fast friends with Micky and Ricki, he is a wonderful typy Bengal who we enjoy immensely.
We are back from our first dog shows for 2008. It was a big show, major entries in Vizslas and one of the Twin Cities' Vizsla Club's spring/summer Specialty Shows. We did quite well for having youngsters in the ring, and never having gone to any classes since our local club didn't hold classes. Gage, Brinklee and I just winged it and I was quite proud of my Vizslas. Gage at just 6 months and one week old won the 6 to 9 month Puppy Dog Sweepstakes class. His class was the largest entry of 6 and we won the most MONEY! Gage went on to win the Bred By Exhibitor Class on Sunday, and went 2nd of 4 the other two days; not bad considering the competition were all a year older than my baby puppy boy.
Brinklee was a wild woman in her Sweepstakes class only taking a 2nd with 3 entries. Once we got her first time wildness out of her, she went on to win the Bred By Exhibitor Class all 3 days with awesome competition, and pulling off the Reserve Win on Sunday. She showed the most consistently of all dogs entered, over the weekend shown by an owner. The only dogs to beat us were shown by Professional Handlers, well that's dog shows. Overall we had a blast, lots of laughs, and great fun with old friends. We learned new handling a training tips as well, and the weather couldn't have been more cooperative.
Tad Walden from CO working Reese.
Tad Walden from Colorado came to the MN Specialty with his lovely boy Tok. Tok is a Master Hunter &Top Ten Special, owner trained and Handled to all titles and awards. Tad has lots of patience and training technique, he showed Melissa and I some of his tricks. We were thrilled to learn how he makes Tok look so awesome in the Show Ring!! Thanks Tad!
The Twin Cities Vizsla Club held their Second Specialty Show for 2008 on June 6, 2008; the entry was of spectacular quality. We are thrilled to anounce that our lovely "Brinklee" Jakra's FlirtiN With Temptation now has a Specialty Major from the Bred By Exhibitor Class!! Brinklee's Great Grandmother Echo did it in 1994, Aunt Glory did it in 2004, Grandma Vivienne took an AOM at 2002, Uncle Cash was Best of Winners in 2005, looks like the tradition carries on...
Some of our history with the TCVC Specialty shows:
*1993 CH Jakra's Echo of Prairie Canyon JH Best Opposite in Sweeps and Winners Bitch .
*Batman & Wyatt, and CH Jakra's Beyond Rockets Glare JH "Rocket" have all earned Major wins over the TCVC Specialty weekend.
*Rowdy CH Jakra's Enchanted Playboy was Best in Sweeps at the 1997 TCVC Specialty.
*Elliot CH Jakra's Final Indulgence JH took an Award of Merit at the 1999 TCVC Specialty.
*Vivienne CH Jakra's Vivid Encore JH received the Award of Merit at the 2002 TCVC Specialty.
*Stormy CH Jakra's Devastating Encore earned a major win in 2001 at the TCVC Specialty weekend.
*Gidget CH Jakra's Temptation Journey JH took a major win in 2002.
*Echo back as a Veteran in 2002 won best Veteran Bitch!
*Cash CH Jakra's Vivid Jonquil went Winners Dog and Best of Winners at the 2005 TCVC Specialty.
*Glory CH Jakra's Vivid Morning Glory went Winners Bitch and Best Of Winners and Best in Sweeps at the 2004 TCVC Specialty, Glory also took an Award of Merit at another TCVC Specialty.
*Wyatt CH Lyon's Showdown By Jakra CD SH ROM went Best Veteran Dog in 2005 and was given the Award Of Merit, he gave the Best of Breed winner a "run for their money".
This is Turner who we have not yet begun to show. We did, however, take some time to socialize and play train him for his debut at a later date.
Jakra's Irresistible Pivot "Turner"
Cambridge MN shows on Friday June 20, Saturday June 21 & Sunday June 22, our Gage took a clean sweep of Winners Dog wins. He came home with 5 new points. Reese also earned 2 points going winners bitch twice over the 3 days and one Reserve win. Gage also went Best Bred By Vizsla on Saturday and went on to win a Bred By Sporting Group 2!
Reese First Show Points 2008
We held our annual July 4th BBQ & Fireworks. Living in the country and our location, we are able to watch the City of Sioux Falls' Fireworks Show, the 2 Country Club's Displays, and several small towns. Needless to say, we were quite entertained, everyone got in the "act"!
On July 19th & 20th, Gage - Brinklee and I ventured to Omaha for their big Show at the Qwest Center. Thank Goodness they had their AC blasting, it was hot and humid as the day progressed. On Sat. 7/19 Gage took the points, and Brinklee did for bitches as well. Brinklee went on to go Best of Winners and Best Opp. Sunday was a repeat of our Saturday success, which singles Gage out for now and Brinklee is done as well since our goal is to hold off and finish their Championships in 2009.
The end of June brought back to us a special gift "Leeloo". Leeloo went at 8 weeks old to live with her new owner Dr. Anna Esser DVM. Anna was in a serious car accident and could no longer give Leeloo the life she deserved so we offered to have her come back here from Seattle, Washington. A good friend Vina (Melissa's Aunt) drove her back to SD for us, it was a joyful reunion, we got to spend an afternoon with Vina and her son Logan, before they headed to MN for the lake cabin and relatives/friends. Leeloo has adjusted beautifully, she just had her 10th birthday, she is in great condition now, and will spend her remaining years playing with the youngsters (she loves to wrestle & play tug) and hunting birds. Leeloo is bird nuts like her mother Lydia, and a natural backer & retriever extraodinaire like her daddy our late Wyatt. It's a great comfort to have a Wyatt child back in our house! It's been a lovely fit to our family of now 15 Vizslas!
August continues to be steaming hot, although the weather wasn't too bad for the weekend of August 9th & 10th when we showed in Albert Lea, MN. It's always a great time there, with the motorcycles on the highway leaving SD after the Sturgis Biker Rally, and staying with Jill Lembke and Melissa's in laws live close as well. It's a reunion of sorts! The dogs had a ball, playing with Jill's Italian Greyhounds, Jill's swimming pool was so entertaining for us and the dogs, the beds are extremely comfortable, and the food is excellent always. To top it off Reese went Winners Bitch and Best of Winners both days to pick up 4 more points taking her total to 7. Melissa Lembke showed Tempe and she went Reserve Winners bitch both days too. Turner's ring debut went OK, he wasn't too sure of what was expected but improved over the weekend. He did win the Bred By Class on Sat. There's hope for Turner!!
On August 23rd & 24th, we took all 4 youngsters up to Mankato to play with the Panacea gang, and go to the St Croix Valley shows. Turner showed in bred by, won his class under Houston Clark and lost the class under JD Jones, however the dog who beat him went on to go Winners Dog and Turner did even better having more practice coming back in for reserve picking. Reese did well both days, felt even better on leash Sunday, but we just couldn't win the Bred By Class, we did get a good hard look both days, and Reserve under Houston Clark. Melissa's Tempe, who is a litter sister to Brinklee, Gage, and Juicee, took Reserve under JD Jones.
10 year old Leeloo and Jak, with bright SD sun in their eyes!
Leeloo poses with flowers! Leeloo posseses many of her Dad Wyatt's characteristics, since his passing this is a very special gift for us!
No Show trips planned for September, just lots of running for show and hunting conditioning. Refresher time for the 2 year olds and up on bird skills, which is their FAVORITE time of the year.
September 20th Jak and his building helper Joe, took some time off from our 6000 square foot shop for a trip to the Grasslands in central SD for the opener of Sharptail Grouse and Prairie Chicken. They had a great time, birds were plentiful, 6 dogs to switch off since the heat was a dangerous factor, and they worked the dogs, shot birds, had nice retrieves and came successful. I hope they go again next weekend, it makes for a really nice pheasant opener to be able to do some Sharptail - "Chicken" hunting prior to the October 18th Pheasant opener. Fall is a lovely time, so much to look forward to!
Jak,Shelby,Moxie,Greer,Gidget & Cosmo behind
Joe,Shelby,Gidget,Moxie & Greer
Moxie is happy to make this retrieve!
Shelby makes this retrieve with her brace mates in tow.
Shelby shows off her bird to Moxie. Haha
For all those awaiting Moxie coming into season, November 1st was the magic day, so she will be bred within the next couple of weeks. Meaning we should be expecting the Moxie/Colby litter due sometime in mid-January. Your puppies will be old enough to go their new/forever homes at 8 weeks of age.
Bogey earns his first point in Fremont, NE with his owner Sheila Stahr. He's coming together nicely at almost 11 months. Turner went Reserve Winners to Bogey, and Reese went Winner's Bitch, a true "family affair!
Jakra's Irresistible Casablanca "Bogey"
On October 25th & 26th, Sioux Falls held their annual dog show pulling big entries and major point wins. Reese pulled off the Major on Sunday going Winner's Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex for a 4 point major! Reese needs one 3 point major to finish her Championship! She showed beautifully and looks to be ready for the Vizsla Club Of America Nationals November 11th thru the 13th in Tucson, AZ. It will be a long drive but well worth the effort to scope out the future of our breed, and future breeding plans.
Jakra's Irresistible Pivot "Turner"
Turner takes Winner's Dog & Best Opposite Sex over a Male Special for 1 point in Fremont, NE. He's starting to look grown up and ready to take on the competitors.
We love the fall, the dogs know what's around the corner and their excitement peaks, Pheasant season arrives! Amazin'!!
Jak enjoyed a great Pheasant opener with 6 of the dogs. They all got an opportunity to hunt, point, back and some got to do the retrieve. Vizslas just love the run! He took another group of dogs on a week long hunt with all the family and friends who come up to SD from Utah to enjoy the comradery, plentiful pheasants, and good dog work. It's more fun to watch and work the dogs than it is to actually shoot the bird, anticipation is crackling in the air.
Deb also had a busy month with the youngsters and dog shows. She went to Fremont, NE and stay with Deb & Ed (Jak's boss before he retired) we had a hoot on their farm, no leashes, lots of kitties to chase, and Deb lucked out with Reese winning points one day and Turner the next. Their brother Bogey with Sheila Stahr earned his first point as well. Reese singled out with points and Turner is just starting.
Tempe & Melissa take their first show points over Labor day weekend in IA. Way to go girls, you are a special team!
Jakra N Panacea's Mutual Temptation "Tempe"
We just learned that "Anja" Jakra's Vivid Anja CDX RN just earned her Companion Dog Excellent title in Obedience! Wow, way to go Ron & Anja!!! You make us so proud...
We have wonderful news, Brinklee who will now be known as Champion Jakra's Flirt'N With Temptation won the Bred By Exhibitor class at the Vizsla Club of America's 2008 National Specialty Show, then going on to take the highest bitch honors going Winner's Bitch and earning the 5 point major, which finished her Champion title!! What a THRILL!
Sister Tempe, who we co-own with Melissa, took first in the 9 to 12 month bitch class and our lovely Reese went 2nd in the same class. Gage and Reese both went 3rd in their National Sweepstakes puppy classes, and Gage made the cut in the Bred By Dog class. The Bred By classes were the largest entry of any classes at the 2008 Nationals, we couldn't be happier with the "kids", not only did they do well, but they were so good on the drive to Tucson - we didn't even know they were with until we stopped to exercise them.
Reese goes WB & BOS at Sioux Falls for a 4 pt. major! She is lovely, so easy to stack and big side gait, with a very clean down and back.
Jakra's Irresistible Blonde "Reese"
This is Colby and Woody, who are two dogs we bred, after a days hunt in SD! Colby is the sire of Moxie's upcoming litter. Woody is Cosmo, Cash, Shelby & Glory's brother.
Gage moving around the ring at Nationals and his 3rd place award with Judge Mr. Clay Cody.
These are not my best photos of Reese but she took a 2nd and a sweeps 3rd at Nationals.
Brinklee at the top taking Winners Bitch for a 5 point major at the 2008 Vizsla Club of America's National Specialty Show in Tucson, Arizona. Pictured with judge Mr. James Reynolds and Breeder/Judge Show Chair Linda Kelly.
Just to show the maturing in one year, thiis is Brinklee at 7 months old at the 2007 VCA National Specialty with her Sweepstakes placement with judge Elle Rensink.
Cosmo another fine retrieve
Shelby with a BIG Rooster!
December, of course is always busy, between keeping up with the Holidays and life it's just plain busy for everyone!! Sorry to all our family, friends, and dog friends for not keeping up with Holiday Cards; still we do wish everyone a Blessed Holiday Season and extend those Blessings into the Year 2009! Lets hope and pray for great things in this fine world.
December was also a time for some quality hunts for Jak and some of the Vizslas. They spent several days in Northern South Dakota with Jeff Lembke and Pete Otterness accompanied by Colby, Glory, Woody, Cosmo, Shelby & Gidget. They came home for 3 or 4 days, and headed to Oklahoma to meet with Dave Schwobe from Utah to hunt Bob White Quail. In each trip, there were plenty of birds, good shooting, good dog work, great experiences, and a wonderful break for all who participated. We will highlight with some photos...
On a Sad Note: The day after Thanksgiving we lost our beloved Batman at 13 years 7 months and 5 days old, to tracheal disease, he simply couldn't breath...Batman had a wonderful life, finished his show Championship in style with 3 big major wins, hunted his heart out, and was always looking out for the underdog. We love you Batman, your name lives on in many legacies...Deb & Jak
Just before Thanksgiving, Jak went Deer Hunting and Pheasant hunting in the same SD County. Birds are always plentiful, they don't always hold this late in the season, Pheasants are smart and will either run or wild flush with the change in a wind, still the weather was 40 degrees and very enjoyable for both man and his Vizslas.
Batman at 3+ years on left and at 13 years on the right.
Gidget locked with style on a Bobwhite in Oklahoma.
Greer retrieving a Bobwhite in Oklahoma.
Colby (L) and Woody (R) pose with a days Roosters in SD.
Shebly with a 3 man limit of SD Roosters. Of course all of the dogs contributed to the limit.
Gidget ( L) retrieving a Bobwhite in Oklahoma, they did run into a lot of sand burrs so the boots are necessary, and Dave's dog lucy got a muzzle full of Porcupine Quills. OUCH!.
On December 6th, we adopted another kitty (#4), this time from the Sioux Falls Humane Society, she is Calico in color, more of a rich Tortie pattern over her body; accented with white stockings, belly, chest 'n neck 3/4 collar, nose blaze; completed as a "Green Eyed Lady!" She is bright, stubborn, strikingly gorgeous, and flaunts her stuff infront of the boys, Mickey Blue Eyes, Littl' Ricki & Tango. Tango has been put in his place many times in one month by our new "Princess Palin".
Tempe and Melissa taking FIRST in 9 to 12 Month Bitches at the 2009 VCA Nationals!