"We are 1 week old today...weighing in at 1 lb. 2 oz. to 1 lb. 11 oz."
Week 2:
"We are 2 weeks old today...as you can see we still sleep and eat most of the time, we are babies but are just beginning to open our eyes and ears. Our Mom takes really good care of us, she is always keeping us clean."
"Today we weigh in at 1 lb. 12 oz. up to 2 lbs. 7 oz."
Week 3:
During the 3rd week our eyes and ears are functioning. We have discovered our world!
Now we attempt short play periods, give little puppy kisses, and chew on our Mom's ears, lips, legs, just about anypart of her we can get our mouths on. That's what puppies do!
Weights at 3 weeks ranging from 2 lbs. 7.5 oz. up to 3 lbs. 3.5 oz.
Sometime this week our human mom will introduce us to solid foods, yum!
Week 4:
Girl Puppy (Orange)
Girl Puppy(Yellow)
Girl Puppy (Pink)
There we are the 3 females of Vivienne and Danny's litter. We all have pretty heads, and balanced conformation, all 3 appear to be equally as lovely. We have outgoing personalities and we are very entertaining....
Girl Puppy(Yellow)
Girl Puppy (Pink)
Boy Puppy (Turquoise)
Boy Puppy (Turquoise)
Boy Puppy (Red)
Boy Puppy (Red)
Boy Puppy (Black)
Boy Puppy (Black)
Boy Puppy (Blue)
Boy Puppy (Blue)
Here we are the 4 boys of Vivienne & Danny's Litter. We too all have nice boy heads, and are all about the same size with one of us slightly smaller. Our mom thinks we have wonderful temperaments, and we love to give kisses and be snuggled.
We are eating food from a pan now, we love our Sensible Choice Lamb & Rice Puppy Food, we finish every bite and still get to nurse on our mom Vivi too. Mom takes lots more breaks away from us now, but we play with each other and our new toys!
Week 5:
Jeremy & April see the puppies at 5 weeks old, they loved the visit!
At 5 weeks they are getting to be more work and much more fun, snuggling at nap time and pointing the pheasant wing for the first time.
Week 6:
To the right, Bob & Maureen come to see the babies, the puppies are loving new people.
6 weeks old is a busy time, more "parents" coming to see us, we are getting to experience different places & many new people, plus our Doctor came to check us over and he said we are very healthy puppies!!
Week 7:
We are keeping everyone hopping! Going outside in the expen is tons of fun, we've tried eating grass and digging holes too. I don't think the "Mom" liked that hole thing.
We get taken to various rooms in the house and get to play on the master bed and meet Mickey the kitty. Thank goodness Mickey loves dogs and is so patient. Our human "Mom" thinks we are pretty smart, we figure out quickly how much "puppy", a cat can take!
We've been told our new parents are coming in one more week, when we are 8 weeks old. So this week we get our first vaccination.
We loved the pigeons, our breeders have a special variety of Pigeon called a Parlor Tumbler who does continuous flips on the ground and cannot fly, boy did that make us crazy for birds!
Week 8:
Fischer with Beth & Dan
Myko with April & Jeremy
Casey with Pete
Rosy with Bob
Sparty with Kimberly & Tom
Rufus with Liz & Martin
At 8 weeks 6 of the puppies made their trek to their forever homes. Moxie was missing her brothers and sisters. Everyone adjusted well and we all got past the first few weeks. Keep on training!
Moxie looks pretty sad after her last littermate, brother Spartan, goes home. She recovered quickly and started harassing all the adult dogs who groaned "oh no not another one!"