Our first show weekend of the year (Jan. 9th & 10th) turned out well for Jakra kids. In addition, our rescue girl Zoey got a wonderful home in Minneapolis through the Twin Cities Vizsla Club rescue group, I can't thank them enough and a special Thank you to Karen Coffee and the Hartman's for getting Zoey hooked up with the best home for her!
We have new Champion Jakra's Vividly Poised N Savvy "Moxie" went Winners Bitch & Best of Winners for her 3rd major which finished her title!!
A huge congratulations goes to owner Jesi Foster and handler Melissa Lembke for their collaborative efforts with Rowan, a Moxie/Colby son who picked up the Winners Dog honors earning him his 2nd major before 1 year of age. He needs 4 singles to finish his Champion title, which won't take much with his quality.
We were grateful that Judge Virginia Lyne picked them out of some tough competition!
With heavy sadness Jak and I had to say a final good bye to our beloved Lydia, on the morning of January 24th it appeared that Lydia had suffered a stroke early that morning. Lydia was born on April 23, 1995, she was 14 years, 9 months and 1 day old. A gentle and sweet soul, a relentless show off in the field, and an amazing mom to two litters, and a one time National Top Producer. Lydia you are forever in our hearts bringing smiling memories.
This is our beloved Lydia, mother to our Greer and Gidget,
still as bright eyed at nearly 15 years old just a few weeks prior to her passing.
While mourning the loss of our Lydia we received communications that two of Lydia's brothers both passed away on February 2, 2010. First I'm thrilled that this litter out of our foundation Regal and VCA Hall Of Fame Dalton carried on some of those longevity genes. As our world ages, we are seeing more and more Vizslas, and various many canines passing away at younger and younger ages mostly due to cancers.
February 2nd, "Ground Hog Day" will now be Raider and Rocket's day, those brothers ran out of "steam" the same day, Raider known as Jakra's Beyond The Dream went into the show ring and just didn't get that last major to finish, we were thrilled for Kasey and Travis cuz they just wanted a pet hunting dog but he had the looks, talent and temperament. Raider and dad Travis had some fabulous hunts together. Raider's last few years ended daily sleeping with his humane sibling Tyler. He is missed terribly.
Rocket two was a first Vizsla for Bob, over the years Bob has sent on some awesome photos of Rocket in action. Rocket was Ch Jakra's Beyond Rocket's Glare JH, Bob handled Rocket for his JH we are so grateful for the wonderful home Bob provided Rocket and Stormy who turns 10 on Feb. 24th this year! Rocket is terribly missed by Bob, but he's not so sure Stormy isn't just eating up ALL her dad's attention...
Not much going on with the dogs and shows during these two months, however Jak took Moxie and Juicee to a couple of weekend of hunt tests and both girls earned their Junior Hunter titles with awesome runs. They both found many quail, even had the opportunity to back their bracemates, got tremendous scores from the judges, and had a ball with "dad".
May has been a busy month with shows. Melissa and Jesi took young Rowan to the Central Wis. Vizsla Club Specialty, once again making all of very proud taking home Best In Puppy Sweepstakes honors!!
Not to be outdone by her brother,we have Gracie taking WB for 2 pts. at WallaKC.
Here we have Gracie who flew to MN to be shown by sire owner and niece Melissa for owner Vina. She won her class but just couldn't pull off the win.
This is Thomas on the left, a 7 month old boy puppy owned by Bob Steele and Diane Kramlich who is being shown by Deb. He took the Twin Cities Vizsla Club Specialty's Best Puppy In SweepStakes Honors!! Isn't he just handsome...
Here we have Juicee whom debuted her first time ever in the show ring at the TCVC Specialty weekend. Juicee earned two consecutive Reserve Winners bitch wins to a 5 pt. major. Not too bad, we'll be racking up the points real soon.
CH Jakra's Vivid Cosmos JH
March 21, 2003 to May 31, 2010
Passing after a lengthy battle with Leukemia.
On the 3rd day of the TCVC Specialty weekend, Rowan took Winners Dog, and Best of Winners to finish his Championship with a big bang and his 3rd Major win!!
The month of May held all the excitement a bright future brings with our youngsters. In the midst of all that ado, our beloved Cosmo was slowly loosing his battle with Leukemia, I can't believe he is gone, but his last few months were filled with hanging with Jak and I constantly, pointing the pigeons, helping me get gophers out of their holes, cooking dinner, chasing the cats and snuggling. One of the coolest ever our Cosmo was blessed while he was here.
This is owner Melissa Lembke showing CH Jakra's Vivid Morning Glory JH RN at the TCVC Specialty, she is so very lovely and a 2 1/2 year survivor of Lymphoma cancer. We pray for Glory's continued remission...Glory loved getting out and strutting her stuff in Veterans Classes, way to go Glory!!
Jakra's Savory Temptation JH
This is Juicee's second weekend out taking several points going winners bitch for two days. She is as lovely to watch move as this picture is of her stacked!
Juicee picked up a 3 point major at Cambridge MN and a Reserve, she stands a 6 points.
"Thomas" Brazenrock Southern Comfort
This is Thomas' first points and second weekend out, lovely puppy, this photo does him no justice.
Thomas earned 7 points and one major in Cambridge MN, the end of June, he now sits at 9 points. Sorry to say I have to turn him over to another handler, judges rarely give the same handler both the dog and bitch points, I've given Thomas a good start, time to focus on Juicee now through Nationals.
This is Melissa's new puppy out of her boy Colby that was bred by us.
Cobly is Ch Jakra's Survivin' Th' Journey CDX RA JH AX AXJ.
Booker will make his debut at the TCVC Specialty in August at Lake Elmo, MN. I had the pleasure of trekking to Kathy Rust's to take a look at the entire litter, it was a tough choice, all were very nice! As you can see this puppy has a lovely shoulder and return of upper arm, and he's got the same amount of rear angulation and he's keeping it. I can't wait to see Melissa start his show career, he's going to be something special! Besides being such a looker, this puppy has bird sense...while testing the litter with pigeons this puppy started to heard the pigeon back to me like his daddy Colby does for owner Jeff on pheasants. The litter was fun to work with pigeons, they all pointed beautifully and I was able to get down on the ground and style them up with them remaining steady, it was great fun, and a memorable time. I'm very excited about Booker, he may be a future Jakra choice for a stud dog, so keep tuned on Booker's accomplishments, too.
Happy Independence Day!! It was a thrill just being home to enjoy the pool!
Jesi and Rowan came from Rochester the last weekend in July and we all had a blast. It was hot and no rain! We swam and lazed in the sun, took a 12 mile bike ride, and worked Rowan on everything we could! Rowan and Jesi worked on show handling skills because now that he's finished Jesi is going to dabble at specialing now and then to work on her handling. Jesi has been taking Rowan to obedience classes forever so we worked on skills to ready her for competition. Then we worked on birds where Rowan really shines! His point is awesome, lots of style and steady hard bodied. Rowan is ready for hunt tests we just have to get his "mom" Jesi ready to handle him this fall or next spring...
August was a rough month of mixed emotions...
The Month started out fast and furious with a quick trip to CO visiting Judy Hetkowski and helping with a litter evaluation. Right after I returned from Judy's, I made a tragic mistake that allowed for our rescue male Vizsla Klinger to gain momentary access to our 4 month old kitten Delyla, and she lost her life. Klinger then moved on to another foster home without cats.
Luckily my sister Pam still had a kitten available named Phoebe also Delyla's sister, so she came to live with us. We will always miss our "DeDe" however we certainly are enjoying Phoebe.
As August flew by we looked forward to our first dog show trip in the RV. It went amazingly smooth, we had a ball camping by Jeff & Melissa & Lois. It was pretty hot but we all held up very well. This is the annual St Croix Valley weekend and the first time the TCVC has held their Specialty in conjunction with, and it's held in Lake Elmo, MN.
Juicee took Reserve Winners Bitch at the Specialty, and won the Bred By Exhibitor Class the next two days!! Melissa took Winner's Dog with her young Colby & Ice son he had a blast at his first shows! Juicee is really a fun girl to show, and she has lovely movement.
Gracie pointing in Washington state, she's a Moxie & Colby daughter.
Gracie takes more points up in the Northwest! Pretty girls and a great photo! Gracie is a Moxie & Colby daughter.
"Glory" BISS CH Jakra's Vivid Morning Glory RN JH
WINS Best of Breed at the National Specialty!!
On October 1st, 2010 we celebrated one of our Jakra Vizsla family winning the National Specialty! The Vizsla Club of America held the National in Oconomowoc Wis. drawing the largest entry in history, over 700 Vizslas to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the VCA and AKC. We couldn't be more honored when "Glory" BISS CH Jakra's Vivid Morning Glory RN JH was chosen Best of Breed by Judge Marjorie Martorella. Glory was owner handled by Melissa Lembke, it was a thrilling moment to say the least, way to go ladies!!
Young Booker a Colby & Ice son went 1st in his 6 to 9 month puppy class at Nationals! He's an awesome puppy !
With the coming of fall we South Dakotans raised on pheasant hunting bubble with excitement over the prospective upcoming hunts. Even with the huge Nationals win nothing beats a day in the field with the dogs! Just ask the Vizslas, it won't take long to figure out what they truly adore doing, hunting...
Juicee 1st point with Shelby backing opening weekend of Sharptail & Prairie Chicken in SD.
The last weekend in October is our annual local Sioux Empire Kennel Club dog show. Since Jak had several of the dogs hunting, luckily we had Reese available to show as a Champion "special" and she took Best of Breed all 3 days of the show, and a Sporting Group 3 on Friday!!
We also had the pleasure of Trigger here for the weekend with his Show Handler Diana Wilson from CO. I was able to bring Trigger home with me so he could get some running time in with his relatives. We were thrilled to see Trigger go Winners Dog on Friday for 1 point, and then go Best of Winners on Sunday for another point. YEAH Trigger and Diana!!!!
"Charlotte" CH Jackpot's Alrighty CD took 1st Place at the VCA 2010 Nationals 8 to 10 years Veterans Sweepstakes!! She is one of our beloved Wyatt's daughters, bred - owned - handled by Vicki McGregor of Jackpot Vizslas. We are so proud of all of Wyatt's litters, Charlotte keeps getting better with age!
We have had a very nice fall here in SD, no snow in our area, milder temps, lots of opportunities for Jak and the dogs to get out hunting!
The weekend prior to ThanksGiving, Melissa and Glory went to shows in MN, and took 2 Best Of Breeds "frosted" with 2 Group Placements!! I hope to see those photos soon!
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. As for us, it's a time for remembering some of our dogs of the past, thankful for the time they had with us, still sadly missing them.
Gage Pointing with high head and tail, STYLE!
December has brought it's snow, no worries about a White Christmas, it could be white until spring! The best NEWS of all, we're going to Westminster! Glory was invited and several are now going, can't wait!!
More Great News, Moxie will be bred around the 19th of December, which would make her litter due around February 20th, just a few days after returning from New York.
With all this to look forward to, the winter of 2010/2011 is going to fly by...
As mom Gidget backs Juicee, they look at Jak as if to say "hey enough photos, let's flush the Rooster!"