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*2005 should be a banner year for Vivienne's first litter, with several of those "kids" finishing their Championships! 

Thank you sire Ch Bayview's Tradewind .  We are on a roll with Woody and Glory finishing together April 9th, 2005!!  Cosmo finishing for 3 "kids" with a big BANG!!  Cash takes a HUGE win at the TCVC Specialty to finish his Championship, making 4 kids towards Vivi's VCA Top Producer Status.  These 4 Vivi kids have all finished with 5 point majors, the best you can get.
Click on photos for a larger view.
"Once you own one, you'll always want more..."
CH Jakra's Vivid Cosmos Bred By Exhibitor Sporting Group First !
CH Jakra's Vivid Jonquil
Wyatt wins Veterans at TCVC
CH Lyon's Showdown By Jakra CD SH VC ROM
Glory & Melissa
2005 TCVC Specialty
Cash TCVC Specialty win!
Jakra's Vivid Anja CD RN went High in Trial at the TwinCitiesVizsla Club Specialty!  We are so proud of Ron & Anja!!

Anja took her first 2 pt. win Sat. June 26th in Cambridge, MN.  Way to go!  She was Reserve the day before.
Ron & Anja  2005 TCVC Specialty  Obedience
High In Trial
March 2005:
Branched Oaks Field Trial Grounds, Nebraska
CH Jakra's Big Sky Venture JH  "Montana" takes FIRST PLACE at the 10th Annual Nebraska Vizsla Club "Hunting Buddy" Championship.  This is a shoot to retrieve event that is timed and judged by a licensed AKC judge.

CH Jakra's Vivid Encore JH "Vivienne"  took the fourth place ribbon at the same event!
NVC Hunting Buddy winners:  Far left is Vivienne & to her right is Montana and Jak. 
May 2005:
Madison, WI. Shows & Central Wisconsin Vizsla Club Specialty Shows:
Friday May 6th:
"Cosmo" Jakra's Vivid Cosmos takes Winners Dog for a 4 point major, to bring him up to 14 pts.

"Cosmo" CH Jakra's Vivid Cosmos takes Winners Dog, and Best of Winners to finish his Show Championship with a BIG 5 point major!! 

Cosmo goes Best Bred By Exhibitor Vizsla going on to take the  Bred By Exhibitor Sporting Group 1, Cosmo has been a joy to show!!
Saturday May 7th:
Sunday May 30th:
"Cash" Jakra's Vivid Jonquil shown just one day, takes Winners Dog for a 3 point major under
St. Peter, MN:
Fargo, ND:
Friday June 3rd:
"Cash" takes another big 4 point major going Winners Dog, Best of Winners, and Best Opposite Sex.  Again shown only one day, he is on a roll!

June 2005:
Waconia, MN: Twin Cities Vizsla Club Specialty Show
Friday June 10th:
"Cash" CH Jakra's Vivid Jonquil takes Winners Dog for a 5 point major, his 3rd straight major win, to finish his Champion Title.  
"Wyatt" CH Lyon's Showdown By Jakra CD SH VC ROM, 2 X National Top Producer went Best Veteran in Classes and was picked as the TCVC Specialty Show Judge's Award of Merit.
"Glory" CH Jakra's Vivid Morning Glory went Best of Opposite Sex at the TCVC Specialty!  She was expertly handled by her owner Melissa Lembke.
October 2005:
Great weekend at the Nebraska Vizsla Club and Nebraska Brittany Club Hunt Tests October 8th & 9th! 

Greer & Gidget qualified back to back to finish their Junior Hunter Titles!

Cosmo did a terrific job earning his first Junior leg at his first Hunt Test.
Cosmo is getting packed to go to Nationals in California with his favorite Melissa...
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A big congratulations to Lindsay & Traitor for their 2nd Place Stud Dog win at the 2005 Vizsla Club of America National Specialty!  A special Thank you to Melissa for taking Cosmo to California and Jan Fowler & Melissa Lembke for showing him in Breed & Stud Dog.
       Traitor   Glory   Cosmo
January 2006 to May 2006:
Vivienne was bred to CH Szikra's Dan D Lion the end of January resulting in a March 31st, 2006 litter of 4 boys and 3 girls.  The Sire finished his 2005 Show career as NUMBER 1 Vizsla in the USA and Vivienne was the 3rd top producing dam in the US. 
June 2006:
"Cosmo"  CH Jakra's Vivid Cosmos was bred to "Peyton"  CH Redwillow's Party Girl JH with a litter expected in early August.   Inquires are directed to Sue Render  in Illinois   Phone:  (847) 683-4596.
The Nebraska Vizsla Club hosted it's annual Huntin' Buddy Championship,  renamed the NVC Shoot To Retrieve Championship.  Montana the 2005 Winner took a 5th place, he was so geared to hurry and find the birds he dropped his retrieves a couple of feet from Jak inorder to quick find the next Quail, he was docked for dropping the retrieve.  These dogs are just too smart, I swear he can count minutes in this timed competition!!  Greer moved up the ranks and took a 3rd place, she almost won the competition, we were very proud of the "kids"! 
May 2006:
Click on photos for a larger view.
Click on photos for a larger view.
M'Kayla Stahr  with Greer 3rd placement
Jak with Montana 5th place.
Jakra's Vivid Anja CD RA  

According to the Vizsla News May/June 2006 issue, "Anja"  Jakra's Vivid Anja CD RA owned and handled by Ron Halpaus is ranked #2 in the Top Ten Obedience Statistics!! 
To say the least we are very proud of this team!  Way to go Ron & Anja, keep up those winning ways...on another note, Anja and Ron just finished her Rally Advanced title in Duluth MN on July 14, 2006.  Much Congratulations to the team of Ron & Anja! 
Jakra's Vivid Anja CD RA  

According to the Vizsla News May/June 2006 issue, "Anja"  Jakra's Vivid Anja CD RA owned and handled by Ron Halpaus is ranked #2 in the Top Ten Obedience Statistics!! 
To say the least we are very proud of this team!  Way to go Ron & Anja, keep up those winning ways...on another note, Anja and Ron just finished her Rally Advanced title in Duluth MN on July 14, 2006.  Much Congratulations to the team of Ron & Anja! 
July 2006:
Anja is racking up the Wins & Ribbons!
Puppies were born August 19th, 3 girls and 1 boy!  Congrats to Peyton and Sue!
October 2006:
On October 1st, Moxie was just 6 months old, so we went to show just one day in Fremont NE, she pulled off a Reserve Winners bitch win.  She was in strong contention for the points with 4 bitches entered, however her tailed wagged so hard and everytime she saw a new face it went faster, sort of threw her gait from being "smooth".  Other than that (which exhibits her wonderful personality) she is PERFECT!  Tons of potential when this little girl matures!!

Cosmo went too, showed his baby half sister how it's done, he took the Best of Breed win and showed beautifully in Group.  Way to go "kids"!!

Cosmo, Moxie and I drove to the 2006 Vizsla Club of America National Specialty in Delaware the 3rd week in October.  It rained on the way, but once we arrived the weather was quite warm.  Moxie showed beautifully for a 6 month old puppy, she stacked and gaited like a pro, and hit some awesome poses.  She made the cut in the Bred by Exhibitor bitch class, I was proud of her for making us look like a team!  She was the only puppy in the class, all the other entries were 1 year to 3 years of age, Moxie did great amongst that tough competition. 
Cosmo made a cut in Best of Breed competition as well.  His showmanship was excellent, he is my boy!!  Cosmo gained quite a few fans.  Both Moxie and Cosmo had a ball with the other Vizslas, they were too social!! 

The last week of October Jak took 6 of the dogs on an 8 day Pheasant Hunting trip, they had a ball, too many running birds, little cover because of the draught, but still they came home happy and with plenty of birds.

The very last weekend of October is our local Sioux Empire Kennel Club's Dog Show.  I only entered Moxie since all my other Champions were out hunting with "daddy".  She took Reserve Winners both days to a 5 point major.  The GREAT News is her nephew "Paxton" went Winners Dog and Best of Winners both days to FINISH his Champion Title at only 7 months old and 3 weekends of shows!  He is gorgeous, almost a replica of his past on Uncle Elliot, it was uncanny to see such a resemblance.  Of course I fell in love with him too.  Way to go Melissa and Paxton!!  Congrats! 
November 2006:
Time to celebrate!!!   Announcing Wyatt now has a beautiful son who is a Double Champion!!!

OTCH CH Edenvale PM Triple Play UD MX MXJ FFX-OP2

Logan is Anne Standen's 3rd Vizsla to earn an Obedience
Trial Championship!  Anne & Logan have a team bond,
and deep devotion, we are so proud of them both!!
Photos at left from a couple of the SD 2006 Pheasant/Grouse season.
Jakra News 2007
We didn't want to loose any of these former "highlights" so we began a new 2007 Jakra News page - ENJOY!  Deb & Jak