Hunting Season 2006: Left Shelby makes the Retrieve; Center Jak and nephew Sig III from Utah; Right Vivienne & Montana show off their Dad's limit in Pheasants and a couple of Sharptails; Far Right Wyatt poses with his Goose Retrieves at 12 1/2 years old.
Some photos from Pheasant season 2007. Upper left is from late Oct. 07 & Early Nov. 07. The remaining are on a 3 day SD trip Jak took with just Cosmo and Shelby during a break from Deer hunting.
2008 Colby & Woody, two dogs we bred came from MN to SD to hunt pheasant and had a great day! Owners & Shooters: Jeff & Pete
2008 Oct/Nov Hunt, warm sunny weather.
L to R: Jak with Cosmo & Gidget; SigIII with Bosco; Eric with Ruby; SigII with Dirty; & Dave with English Setter? Too bad they didn't get the pheasants in the photo, the day's limit was just below the road level.